
The vast experience of Joseph & Partners within maritime mediation in Malaysia ensures that clients involved in a dispute can come to a satisfactory conclusion as swiftly as possible.

Mediation is one manner in which maritime disputes can be settled in the shipping industry. It is a highly successful way to settle disputes over maritime and shipping, without having to continue with a lengthy trial or arbitration case. The mediation process provides the opportunity for all involved parties to agree for themselves on the desired result, without requiring courts, judges and arbitrators. Mediators discuss each party’s concerns in a confidential, tolerant and balanced way, exploring options that may lead to a fair and constructive outcome within just one day of mediation. Mediation is relatively inexpensive and flexible, as well as assisting in maintaining working relationships between the parties involved in a dispute after it is resolved. Also, mediation is confidential and everything said between the parties is without prejudice to their other legal remedies in the event the mediation fails. Although mediation has previously struggled for recognition in the shipping industry, particularly given the historic use of arbitration, it appears that the industry is beginning to recognize mediation as a viable means of dispute resolution.

For more information on Mediation, please get in touch with us.
